Sullivan the Monster Pus Size Fancy Dress Costume. There's a reason why James P. Sullivan is on just about every piece of advertisement Monster's Inc. has to offer. He's a model worker; he always comes in on time and does his job well. He comes from a great scaring family, and of course, he is the best-of-the-best when it comes to the scaring industry. He is the epitome of monsters, and everyone loves Sulley.As a matter of fact, Sulley has kind of inspired us. We want to be magnificent scarers too. Only problem is that most of us have a long way to go. For one, we're not great scareres. We've been practicing and practicing, and we're still pretty weak on the terror. Of course it would probably help if we were actually monsters. That's our second big drawback. Being normal humans means that we don't have any of the natural scaring benefits like claws, horns, or pointy teeth. So you see, we're at a bit of a disadvantage considering our aspirations. Of course, there is an option. We could first become monsters. We're pretty sure that would help all the other problems, like our weak scaring and getting hired by Monster's Inc. Although most transitioning-into-monsters attempts are a bit messy, we have found an easy alternative. Wanna-be-monsters simply put on this Sullivan the Monster Plus Size Costume. That way as soon as you put on the giant fluffy polyester jumpsuit covered in purple polka dots, you'll have purple claws on your hands and feet, a long tail with purple spikes, a hood with purple horns, big eyes, and teeth. You'll look just like Sulley!... Which is of course exactly what we want. Now to practice our scaring some more...
Buy cheap Sullivan the Monster Pus Size Fancy Dress Costume in United Kingdom! The Sullivan the Monster Pus Size Fancy Dress Costume is certainly that and will be a great buy. For this price, the Sullivan the Monster Pus Size Fancy Dress Costume is highly recommended and is a popular choice with lots of people.