Men's Poseidon Plus Size Fancy Dress Costume. DREAM JOB: GOD OF THE SEAWe can think of few jobs cooler than being the god of the sea. For one, you're immortal. That's right, no more growing old and having those pains that come with it. You'll be timeless and powerful, a little bit of back pain will be a problem long forgotten. But that's not all; you'll get to live under the sea! You'll have a big underwater mansion and you can have a stable, but instead of horses, you can have dolphins. And you could travel the sea wherever you want and see places the rest of the world has never even seen, places so deep in the dark ocean that you would be the first and only to ever set foot there. Who knows what you might find down there? Being god of the sea sounds like a lot of adventure to us, and we happen to love adventures! FUN DETAILSThis costume will have you looking so awesome that even Zeus himself would be jealous! You'll be wearing a gold shirt and blueish green pants that remind us of the sea after a storm. Over this, you'll be wearing a gold belt and a cape to add to your godlike effect. We've also included the crown, in case someone didn't realize that you do, in fact, stand in charge of the sea. Last but not least are the gold wrist cuffs that have fins on the sides, to add to your oceanic effect. FIRST DAY ON THE JOBWhat would you do on your first day on the job as Poseidon? You could go ride a whale, or you could surf the world's biggest wave. You could go explore a coral reef, or go explore shipwrecks. You could even take up underwater basketweaving! Anything is possible when you are the god of the sea.
Buy cheap Men's Poseidon Plus Size Fancy Dress Costume in United Kingdom! The Men's Poseidon Plus Size Fancy Dress Costume is certainly that and will be a great buy. For this price, the Men's Poseidon Plus Size Fancy Dress Costume is highly recommended and is a popular choice with lots of people.