Humorous Bible Flask. Dehydration is no joke. One second you’re just whooping it up, having a good time in church and the next second, you keel over dead because you didn’t drink enough fluids that day. It’s totally true (it’s not). We heard that it happened to a friend of a friend once (maybe it was just something we read on the internet?). You definitely want to play it safe when quenching your thirst, which is why you need this Bible Flask!…okay, okay. So maybe you won’t be using this Humorous novelty item to be keeping dehydration at bay and you’ll most likely be filling this small flask with a liquid than water. The handy item comes with small stainless steel flask and a hollowed out book that looks like a standard Bible. Simple place the flask inside the Bible and you’ll look like a devout member of the parish, ready to partake in the spreading of the word.
Buy cheap Humorous Bible Flask in United Kingdom! The Humorous Bible Flask is certainly that and will be a great buy. For this price, the Humorous Bible Flask is highly recommended and is a popular choice with lots of people.