Fred Flintstone Fancy Dress Costume | Caveman Fancy Dress Costume. A Caveman Themed Party?What’s that, you say? There are going to be a lot of geologists, anthropologists, and paleontologists at your upcoming party? Pssh. Obviously, we have the perfect outfit for you. You don’t even need to ask. When you show up in this Fred Flintstone Plus Size Costume, the other guests will agree that you've unearthed the best look they’ve ever seen.Don’t worry about the fact that cavemen--even those affable, larger-than-life characters like Fred Flintstone--never really had dinosaurs as pets or coworkers, nor had complex civilizations. Nobody really cares about that stuff, even at your stuffy party, because c'mon, everyone loves the Flintstones! Bedrock's the best thing this side of the Stone Age. We’re positive that when you throw this costume on, you will not only become the lovable life of the party who's always cooking up hilarious schemes and infecting everyone with your contagious personality, but you will also leave everyone reminiscing about how much fun the caveman days really were (even if they really weren’t all that great, historically speaking). Either way, you will absolutely kill at this shindig, with or without a (carbon)date on your arm! Heh. Fun DetailsThis costume consists of Fred's classic, bright orange tunic and spotted cuffs. Attached to the tunic is a baby blue tie for the complete look. Also included is a ruffled black wig and large foam caveman feet, essential for moving your car quickly and ensuring an on-time arrival at the soiree. Without a doubt, you’ll be instantly recognizable, especially if you pick up a caveman club accessory, or bring your best bud, Barney Rubble, along with you!Dinosaurs Are DangerousWe feel like we shouldn’t have to point this out, but don't take this costume to any ridiculous lengths--dinosaurs are not meant to be pets. If, somehow you stumble across one, leave it to the paleontologists to figure out what to do. Though there may be little to no historical accuracy to the Flintstones, don’t let that stop you from being the most fun loving caveman in history! Sans dino, of course. Just take our word on it.
Buy cheap Fred Flintstone Fancy Dress Costume | Caveman Fancy Dress Costume in United Kingdom! The Fred Flintstone Fancy Dress Costume | Caveman Fancy Dress Costume is certainly that and will be a great buy. For this price, the Fred Flintstone Fancy Dress Costume | Caveman Fancy Dress Costume is highly recommended and is a popular choice with lots of people.