Firefly Coaster Set. We're not sure if Captain Mal even used coasters.After all, he has bigger problems on his mind besides water stains. Plus, he's not exactly the kind of guy who would even care about the aesthetics of his spaceship's interior. But just because Reynolds doesn't care about tidy quarters doesn't mean you can't. Now, you can combine your love of Firefly with your love of non-waterstained-surfaces thanks to this Firefly Coaster Set. (It's a niche market, but it's there!) The officially licensed set comes with four coasters that feature print images from the TV show and are perfect for any flat surface, whether it's an end table or a pilot's console.
Buy cheap Firefly Coaster Set in United Kingdom! The Firefly Coaster Set is certainly that and will be a great buy. For this price, the Firefly Coaster Set is highly recommended and is a popular choice with lots of people.