Egyptian Cobra Staff. Rulers of the SunThe rulership structure in Ancient Egypt was nothing if not structured. Whoever happens to be the physical reincarnation of the great god of the Sun, Ra, gets to be the king! Pretty simple, right? One of the few benefits of reincarnation: you can come back as just about anything. The “King” could be a “Queen;” there’s even been a few cases of a young kiddo named Pharaoh. Being a youthful God-King is tough, though. How's a lil' ruler supposed to command respect?Fortunately, there are a few things you can bring to bear to prove that you’ve been chosen by divine mandate! And, one of the choicest of accessories is the mighty Egyptian Cobra Staff.FUN DetailsThe great King Tutankhamen, the boy king, became one of the most famously known names in even our modern era and, according to legend, partly because of this mighty serpent-headed staff that brought all his subjects to their knees in awe. Made of light plastic and coming in two pieces, the staff comes together easily in the hands of the worthy and goes perfectly with any of our perfectly prepared threads for the one true Pharaoh.The King's BlingGet your kiddo ready to rule with the full regalia today. Our Egyptian Cobra Staff will command respect from the commoner kids. And, hey, if things don’t work out perfectly, you can always start wrapping the tyke up to be a mummy next year.
Buy cheap Egyptian Cobra Staff in United Kingdom! The Egyptian Cobra Staff is certainly that and will be a great buy. For this price, the Egyptian Cobra Staff is highly recommended and is a popular choice with lots of people.